Work Clothing For Changing Weather Conditions That Fit Safety Reequirements

We can no longer rely on weather patterns of the past. Today’s construction workers need to be able to dress for all weathers, at any point of the year. You can go to work in the morning wearing shorts, only to be swathed in wet weather gear by mid-afternoon. This makes it quite a challenge to put together work wear clothing kits. So how can you adapt your everyday work wear to rapidly changing weather conditions, and what safety considerations should you bear in mind?

Customs Control Layering

Keeping warm when the weather turns is one of the keys to getting through the day and staying healthy. Wearing bulky layers restricts your movements, which can be a safety risk. Layering your clothing is a much more practical solution to rapidly changing weather conditions. A thermal, breathable base layer, such as those worn by athletes, will keep you free from sweat and comfortable throughout the day. The material these layers use is designed to wick away moisture from the skin, whilst retaining heat. These hi-tech base layers have made a really positive contribution to workplace comfort and safety. You can also buy leggings made of the same material. Over this base, build up layers as you need to. Several thin layers will keep you warmer than two thick ones, and also mean you have more control over your temperature throughout the day. Look at camping shops for 3 in 1 jackets, which provide three layers that zip together and are easy to remove, depending on prevailing weather conditions.

Protective Gear

Hot weather can bring with it a desire to shed more items of work wear than is safe. Think carefully before opting out of clothing that covers you up, and follow safety requirements guidelines provided by your company. Working in shorts may seem like the attractive option, but if there are safety guidelines in place, it is for a reason. Cement burns and skin damage from chemical products are common workplace accidents, so think about the likelihood of this sort of occurrence before stripping off. Instead, look for breathable layers again, which will keep you cool and allow the skin to stay dry. Safety eyewear doesn’t have to be restrictive any more either. Look for safety goggles, which are indistinguishable from sunglasses. They will keep the sun out of your eyes in hot weather, and still keep you safe. When the temperature plummets, fit a face comforter to your safety hat to keep the wind and rain out. They make a huge difference and are much safer than scarves or mufflers. Look for alternative items of safety footwear for hot weather. You don’t need to wear Rigger boots all year round. If you can work in shorts, try safety trainers to lighten the weight. If the weather turns, you will still be protected.

You need to be ready to adapt your work clothing quickly these days. Make sure you are prepared for a weathers by planning ahead and exploring what is available from construction industry clothing manufacturers. They are well aware of the problem, and adapting their offerings to suit our new climate.