Taking health and safety legislation seriously

Health and safety must always be taken seriously and whatever equipment you use or supply for work, it must comply with current legislation. It is also vital that the workforce are correctly trained in the safe use of equipment.
Whether you hire one or many people to work for your company, you must abide by current Health and Safety regulations. In the UK the Health and Safety Executive deem that all equipment used in the workplace by staff comes under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations or PUWER. What this means is that equipment must be safe, well cared for and suitable for the purpose for which it is intended. All employees should be correctly trained in the use of equipment that they are working with. The equipment can range from a huge variety of very different items such as hammers, power drills, knives, photocopiers, paper shredders and motor vehicles. Virtually any items used by staff in the workplace comes under PUWER and as such the correct measures must be taken to guarantee safety. There are further regulations which relate to lifting equipment and these are the Lifting Operation and Lifting Equipment Regulations or LOLER….More at The importance of making sure that your business complies with
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