Renewable energy is an important part of energy security

With the erratic weather conditions some of us will have turned down or switched off our heating, only to have to turn it back up again. It is important for our country to have a secure energy future. We have our own oil, gas and coal plus, we have some nuclear power stations. We do not produce enough fossil fuels to be self sufficient and we do need to import the balance. Renewable energy has become another source and by making use of wind and water, something our nation has in abundance, is a sensible option.

The Crown Estate has today published a study of the UK offshore wind market that reviews the existing programme, and identifies future opportunities and potential challenges.

Among the key findings, the report concludes that the offshore wind sector is capable of meeting the government’s ambition of deploying up to 18GW of capacity by 2020, subject to regulatory certainty and the timely implementation of the Electricity Market Reform; achieving cost reductions in offshore wind; and securing a viable level of financial support.

The report supports the findings of the Department of Energy and Climate Change’s (DECC’s) Renewables Roadmap – that the UK can consolidate its position as a global leader, capitalising on its natural resource, operational capacity and pipeline of projects.

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Further reading

£25m boost for UK wave and tidal energy

Energy giants urge chancellor to back decarbonisation target

The green energy mirage will cost the earth