Rally against reduction in H&S protection for employees

Is health and safety at work important? At Worlifts we think it is and so do Lincoln & District TUC which held a rally yesterday to oppose cuts to H&S protection in the workplace. In an era when so many people mistakenly believe that some H&S is “PC gone mad”, it’s good that some are taking a stance to show that in fact, the health and safety of employees is absolutely essential. Nick Parker, Secretary of Lincoln & District TUC, said:
“We’re holding this rally on Saturday to highlight massive cuts of over a third to health and safety protection by the current Government. “No one should have to face the devastating situation where a loved one goes out to work in the morning and never comes back because their employer didn’t take looking after their health and safety seriously.”
Originally from : http://www.itv.com/news/calendar/update/2014-04-26/rally-over-health-and-safety-cuts-in-workplace/