Forklift maintenance

Start the forklift and let it run briefly while you listen to the engine performance. Listen for any knocks or misses. Listen for any squealing caused by the belts. Then listen for any exhaust leaks. Drive the forklift forwards and backwards to check for any slips and toobserve any possible wheel issues. Shut the engine off.

When performing preventative maintenance on your forklift, first check the horn, gauges, safety warning devices, cab lights, outside lights, back-up lights, and overhead guard for proper operation. Check for any burnt out bulbs and if any device still does not work, check the wiring and make repairs.

Next in your forklift preventative maintenance procedure is to check the battery compartment. Clean the battery terminal, battery cables and battery connectors. Open every cell cap and check the cells for proper fill levels and fill with water as needed. Apply protectant on the connectors to prevent corrosion. Leave the battery cables disconnected.

Drain the oil from your forklift. Change the oil filter, change the hydraulic filter, transmission filter, fuel filters, and the air filter. Prior to installing the new filters, use a permanent marker to write the date on the new filter. Check all fluid levels and fill as necessary. Check the anti-freeze in the cooling system.

Visually inspect the drive axle when you are underneath the machine. If there is a grease fitting, make sure to grease the drive axle.

Check the belts on the forklift engine. Check for cracks and frays on the belts.

Perform a visual check of the forklift’s exhaust system. Look for any cracks or holes in the exhaust system.

Look at the tyres on the forklift for any cracks or signs of excessive wear. On an air filled tyre, check the tread. Check the differential fluid.