Bolting techniques are increasing safety

Wind turbines have been around for quite a while now and as the technology advances, so too does the efficiency in creating energy that can be added to the National Grid. At Worlifts, we take a keen interest in the engineering of wind turbines an are involved in a number of projects which include bolting services. Bolting increases safety providing it is done properly and using the correct hydraulic torque wrench. We have found this article which may be of interest to you.

In the world of industrial maintenance there are three priorities above all else: safety, quality, and schedule. Depending on whom you talk to, one may take precedence over another. However, for the person performing the work, safety is always the number one consideration. While demand for precision and accuracy increase as time becomes more valuable, it is especially important to keep bolting systems simple to use, which ensures correct use and prevents accidents.


The Twin Torque System from Hytorc makes for fast and simple maintenance on wind turbine yaw brakes.

Bolting systems have become more advanced in recent years, but some that may work well in labs do not see the same results when used in the field. HYTORC makes every effort to maintain simplicity while developing innovative bolting systems. A system that is faster and more accurate in a lab must remain simple and intuitive enough for users to operate safely in the field. Advantages in speed and accuracy are quickly negated when a safety incident stops the job completely.

To ensure a safe job with the best results, we recommend on-site training for everyone that will be involved in the job. A reliable, bolting-system manufacturer will provide this training for free upon delivery of the equipment and as requested before future jobs. My company has teamed up with OSHA and the ASME to ensure that safe bolting practices are taught alongside other industrial safety courses. In combination with the training at many wind-turbine-technician schools, these programs can help significantly reduce jobsite injuries. Click here to continue

Further information

Wind turbine efficiency grows in line with demand

Enerpac mechanical & hydraulic bolting tools