Worlifts specialise in the supply and in-service support of all lifting equipment and associated lifting gear and crane rigging accessories.
We offer our customers the world's leading brands, this will give you the confidence that all lifting items supplied will be fully certified to the current standard and will be fit for task.

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Worlifts Bolting Services
Worlifts Limited, established in 1976 has over 35 years of expertise in delivering hydraulic, powered and manual bolting products and solutions to all industry sectors and specialises in the provision of ON-Site services with the utilisation of dedicated on-site examination, on-site calibration and on-site testing vehicles. Ebt Battery Tools Highest quality bolted together with excellent…
On-site certification and testing from Worlifts
With the squeeze on costs and a need to be ever more efficient with everything we do, the requirement for business to keep going, whatever service they provide, is more important now than ever before. Any time a tool is out of service for whatever reason, costs are increasing and revenue is being lost. However,…
Understanding the symptoms of heat stress and its effect on safety
Summer in the UK is on its way, and it looks like over the next few days the country will be basking in temperatures of up to 30 degrees. While this is great news for tourism, and no doubt the beach resorts will be selling out of ice creams, for some of us, it can…
Need to test your lifting equipment? Got limited space?
Legislation of lifting equipment has become far more stringent, and so old-style testing equipment just doesn’t cut it anymore, which is why we’ve upgraded all of our equipment. Our new dynamic lifting equipment test machines were designed for these new tests, and they’re ready to test your lifting equipment. As lifting engineers ourselves, we’re always…
Hydraulic Servicing & Repair From Worlifts
Hydraulic lifting equipment needs a regular maintenance schedule to ensure it’s always safe to operate, and it’s essential that all companies using such equipment keep it in top condition. However, sometimes there’s a problem, and a routine check and highlight issues which means the equipment cannot be used. This causes delays, which will inevitably lead…
Our range of equipment for the rail industry
As you hopefully know, we’ve just had a really successful time at Railtex 2017, and in a few weeks we’ll also be at Rail Live – busy times! However, it’s worth explaining a little bit more about the services and products we offer to the rail industry, so here’s a run down. Permanent Way We…
Worlifts celebrates 20th anniversary as Enerpac distributor
Lifting and industrial tools supplier, Worlifts, has recently celebrated 20 years as an Enerpac industrial tools distributor. The company is now Enerpac’s flagship distributor and service centre in the UK, offering hydraulic lifting and jacking equipment, rail jacks, torque wrenches and bolting tools together with focused on-site services and asset management for a growing number of…
A look at Tangye History
Very often we can forget that much of the technology we use today had some pretty important beginnings, and being close to Birmingham, arguably the heart of the industrial revolution, there can be a lot to uncover. This weekend was such a time when I realised that a company Worlifts have dealt with for decades…
Training from Worlifts – Hydraulic & Lifting Equipment Safety
Health and safety isn’t just a buzzword and a set of boxes to tick, it’s an incredibly important part of your company’s procedures and it’s essential all staff understand it. Although it’s often spoken of in disparaging terms, with people blaming Health & Safety for stringent rules and regulations and often spoiling people’s fun, it’s…
Why it’s important to test your hydraulic equipment regularly
Worlifts has a long history of providing services to the lifting trade, having started out pre-1976 as Worley Hydraulics. In short, this means that unlike many companies who only work with manual lifting equipment, we have decades of experience in hydraulics. Hydraulics can be complex, and also dangerous if not maintained properly and serviced regularly,…
How should lifting equipment be marked to indicate safe working loads?
Lifting equipment and all accessories, must have clear markings indicating their safe working loads, or “SWL”. You’ve no doubt seen this indication on the side of any equipment that’s used to lift anything, including people. In the case of people, it should in fact also show how many people can be lifted. You’ll likely see…
Hydraulic Lifting Equipment – What to consider for safety
Hydraulic systems are everywhere around us, and it’s no surprise, as a tool for lifting heavy loads or applying pressure, they’re efficient and powerful. Due to the basic rule of Pascal’s Principle, they allow a small force to be multiplied into a much larger one, making it a breeze to lift heavy objects or operate…
Norbar launch Industrial 2R & 2AR Torque Wrenches
Norbar, one of the leading manufacturers of torque tools in the world, has just released two great new products – the 2R & 2AR Industrial Torque Wrenches. Inspired by the 3AR – 6R range, these smaller wrenches are robust, yet incredibly simple to operate with a profiled cam and reaction plate providing a much clearer…
Lifting Equipment Safety – What Are My Obligations?
We’ve covered the technical aspects of LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998) in another blog, but there might still be some nagging doubts about what exactly covered by the regulations, and what you, as an employer, need to do in order to ensure you comply. Of course, it’s not just a matter of…
Tange Hydraulic Jacks – Supply and Maintenance from the Experts
Tangye Hydraulic Jacks have been a part of Worlifts range since we started stocking them in the 1970s, and their quality and performance is second to none. As an authorised Tangye Repair Centre, you can also be sure that equipment, whether supplied by us or otherwise, can be repaired and maintained to the highest of…
There’s not much time left to upgrade to Enerpac Hydraulics!
A few months ago, we joined with Enerpac to offer you a fantastic deal on brand new hydraulics. And now we’re doing it again! If you have old hydraulic kit which has seen better days, then don’t risk your safety, simply trade it in for brand new Enerpac equipment, and get a great discount! The…
Enerpac Hydraulic Bolting Tools – The Best Service from Worlifts
Whatever your industry, and whatever your bolting needs, Enerpac have the right tools for the right application, and here at Worlifts, we have the expertise and experience to ensure you get the best advice. Ensuring joint integrity is absolutely key, and Enerpac’s tools can give you the confidence you need in the most challenging environments.…
Hydraulics v Pneumatics – Infographic
Following on from our blog post showing the difference between Pneumatic and hydraulic systems, we spruced up the graphics to explain it a little clearer. Thanks for Mrs. Jones at Brindley Junior School for the inspiration for this, it will be used in class!
Health and Safety: Working in cold weather
Working in hot weather brings with it a whole host of problems when the heat may tempt some people to cast away thick, protective clothing and perform their duties wearing nothing but shorts and a smile. Cold weather is not so much a problem, as safety equipment is generally very thick, and when put on…
Norbar & Worlifts – your partners in torque tooling
Worlifts are proud to supply Norbar equipment for all of your torque tool needs, but what makes Norbar so good, and why are they leaders in torque technology? Electronic torque tools are available from a wide range of companies, and you can obviously shop around to find the best deals, with some being available for…
Enerpac – a rich history in hydraulics
Worlifts is proud to offer and support Enerpac equipment, but did you realise that Enerpac has a rich history, going back to the Model T Ford? It’s now a market leader in the supply of high pressure hydraulic tools, however, way back in 1910, it produced water pumps for Ford’s Model T. Enerpac are therefore…
Brexit and Health and Safety Law – Will Anything Change?
The vote to leave the European Union on the 23rd of June has sent shockwaves through Britain and the rest of the world, and it seems that some sort of Brexit is going to happen. Quite what that will look like is anyone’s guess at the moment, but it is certain to mean that areas…
Enerpac Bolting Service – The Complete Mobile Solution from Worlifts
When it comes to bolting, one brand is way ahead of all the others – Enerpac. For the controlled, safe and efficient loosening and tightening of bolted joints, pipe alignment, complex pipe positioning of large structural assemblies and many other jobs, you need to make sure your tools are up to the job. Enerpac has…
Hydraulic Equipment – Should I Buy or Should I Hire?
There are many occasions when an organisation may need the power of hydraulic equipment, but can’t justify the cost of buying it. It’s not surprising, hydraulic bolting and lifting equipment is incredibly efficient and can be used for some of the most demanding roles, but it also comes with a need for training, maintenance and…
Is it OK to buy second hand lifting equipment?
When you’re in the market for lifting equipment, you can sometimes be tempted to look at the second hand market to find what you need, simply to keep costs down. Equipment used for lifting is often expensive, and for good reason. There are huge safety issues around the lifting of heavy plant, people and other…
Are you ready to trade in your old hydraulics?
A few months ago, we joined with Enerpac to offer you a fantastic deal on brand new hydraulics. And now we’re doing it again! If you have old hydraulic kit which has seen better days, then don’t risk your safety, simply trade it in for brand new Enerpac equipment, and get a great discount! …
HSE Health and Safety Statistics Are Sobering Reading
Every year the Health and Safety Executive release their statistics which show, among other things, the number of injuries in the workplace and the the amount of days lost. For us at Worlifts, this is an important document, because our work is probably some of the most dangerous anyone could undertake. We deal with customers…
Power Box – Applicable Anywhere
In conjunction with Enerpac, Worlifts is pleased to offer a huge 20% discount on Power Box. As part of this promotion, you get the P392 hand pump, GA45GC gauge and adaptor, HC7206C 1.8 meter hose and a box to keep them all in. You can then compliment your set with your choice of cylinder, wedge…
Do you even lift?
Have a go at our PowerLift Challenge and you have a chance of winning our special birthday goody bag! Click below to play the game, then submit your best score to have a chance of winning!
Worlifts – 40 Years of Excellence!
On the 18th October, just a few months before his 60th birthday, Sam Worley founded Worlifts and since that day, the company has been supplying lifting and associated equipment across all sectors of industry. The company began as a manufacturer of hydraulic jacking equipment, but competition arrived with the increase in imported products, and so…
Power Box – Deal Now Available
20% discount on portable tool sets The Power Box is a convenient storage box that contains a hydraulic tool, a lightweight hand pump with angled gauge adaptor assembly and a safety hose. Enerpac have extended the Power Box set range to 12 different configurations. NEW: Set with Lifting Wedge LW-16. 16 Ton Lifting Force 10…
Lifting and Manual Handling – Important Factors about Safety and The Law
When lowering and raising loads, as well as pushing, pulling and carrying, the risk of injuries is affected by a number of factors including: The weight of the object(s). How far the objects are carried. Any height difference when the objects are picked up and put down. The frequency of these lifting tasks or operations.…
What Is HAVS and How Does It Affect People?
Hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) is a condition caused by repeated use of a vibrating machine that is in some way held while in operation. HAVS is caused by the vibrations of machinery causing damage to nerves and blood vessels in the hand. The syndrome, which has been previously known as vibration white finger (VWF), increases…
Solutions for the Renewable Energy Markets – On-Site Support When You Need It
Clean power is big business at the moment, and it’s no surprise. With climate change looking like it’s going to create more extreme weather such as hotter summers and wetter winters, governments are investing a lot in renewable energy. One of the largest growth areas at the moment is wind energy, and that means a…
In the Marine World, Hiring Hydraulic Equipment is Safe and Cost Effective
When working in a marine environment, equipment can take a beating day-in, day-out and this can have ramifications on the reliability of the tools, and the safety of the operators. It’s hard enough already to be working in heavy weather, trying to get the job done quickly, to budget and within all health and safety…
Wind Turbines – Why Evotorque2 Is a Must-Have Tool When Working in the Field
Are you happy that your electric torque tools could be giving vastly different results depending on the joint type? Unfortunately, according to some research carried out by Norbar in 2010, that’s exactly the problem people are facing. The torque delivered to a hard joint could be more than double the torque that the same tool,…
Time Is Running out on Our Two Offers!
It’s nearly the end of July, and two of the best offers we’ve ever had will end in just a few days’ time. First up, you can save on new hydraulic equipment with our partner Enerpac by trading in your old kit and getting a discount on new kit with out “Trade-In, Trade-Up” offer! …
Have You Seen the New EvoTorque 2?
Norbar have always been at the forefront of technology when it comes to torque tools, and their new release – the EvoTorque2 – is no exception. This latest product now features Bluetooth so data tightening data can be transferred from the tool to a computer, and tool settings transferred from a computer to the tool.…
Upgrade Your Safety and Productivity – Trade-In Old Hydraulics for New!
Time is running out on our offer to trade-in your old worn-out hydraulic equipment and replace it with brand new kit that will upgrade your safety, productivity and quality! There are a lot of old hydraulic pumps and cylinders out there, being used day-in, day-out and they’re getting tired. However, maybe you think it’s best…
New Electric Torque Wrenches from Enerpac
When it comes to innovation, Enerpac lead the way with technology designed to make your life easier, your work safer and your day more efficient. And they do just that, with the all new ETW-Series Electric Torque Wrench; a simple fastening solution, which allows you to quickly, accurately and safely fasten critical joints. Electric Torque Wrenches…
On-Site Examination and Testing – Come and See us at Hillhead 2016!
Worlifts can provide testing and examination both in-house and at your premises, but can on-site testing really be that good? When you see what’s in our van, you’ll believe it! Come and see us at Hillhead and we’ll show you how we have the capabilities to do all of the following testing on-site, with no…
Come and See the New EvoTorque®2 at Hillhead 2016!
From the 28th to the 30th June, Worlifts will be demonstrating the new Norbar EvoTorque®2 at Hillhead 2016, the largest quarrying, construction and recycling event of it’s type in the world. We’ll also be showing off our unique on-site testing capabilities with our mobile testing vans, come and see how they work, and how they…
OHLEx 2016 is Nearly Here, are You Ready?
We’re getting geared up and ready for OHLEx 2016 at Chester Racecourse this Wednesday, will you be going? If you’re at all involved in OHL policy and standards, are a rail project engineer, linesman or rigger or involved in any kind of Health and Safety to do with rail transport, then you really should be there.…
Wind Turbines and the Need For Exact Torque Control
As climate change rises on the agenda of governments all over the world, ways to combat it and find alternative energy sources are becoming more and more important. As such, wind and solar energy are where many are investing their effort and money. If you’ve driven across the UK recently, you’ll have noticed an increase…
OHLEx 2016 – Overhead Lines – Working at the Heights of Safety
Worlifts prides itself on an impeccable safety record, we offer training, inspection and maintenance to extremely high levels and we aim to exceed customer expectations. We also provide a wide range of fall prevention and fall arrest equipment and all the relevant training to go with it. And so, as the UK gears up for…
Trade-In Your Old Hydraulics and Trade-Up to Enerpac with Worlifts!
There are a lot of old hydraulic pumps and cylinders out there, being used day-in, day-out and they’re getting tired. However, maybe you think it’s best to save money by not buying new? We can understand that it can be expensive to upgrade all of your equipment, but Worlifts in conjunction with Enerpac would like…