Heavy duty caterroller load skates


Load skates consist of a rigid steel frame with saw-toothed edges, a center guide plate and a set of rollers. The rollers are connected by link chain on either side with a master link for separating them. Each roller turns independently and the entire set rotates around the guide plate. Loads may be attached permanently by welding to the skate. Loads with wood bases will sink into the frame edges for better stability.

Typically, a mobile force of 35 to 50 lbs per ton is required to move loads mounted on the skates. Refer to the specification chart in the Enerpac Catalog or the Instructions included with the skates for capacities and dimensions.


Based on load size and weight, be sure the correct number of skates are used to support the load.


Check all load routes to ensure ramps, floors and structures will support the weight and size of the load.


To prevent the load from slipping, place wood skids or timbers between the load and the skates. Nail chocks into the wood for added security.